
Utility Solutions Blanket Mate Heavy Duty Blanket Holder; USBM-002

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Product Dimensions: 2 ½” x 2” x 3”
Product Weight: 11 oz / 16 oz

The Blanket Mate Heavy Duty Blanket Holder is an articulating magnet that safely and securely positions a rubber insulating blanket onto any metal surface. It is specifically designed to conform to curved and/or uneven surfaces. The tear drop shape end is manufactured from a unique polymer that remains strong and flexible even in cold weather.

Rubber insulating blankets can weigh as much as 9 lbs. and require heavy duty magnets to secure them safely.  The Blanket Mate Heavy Duty Blanket Holder comes in either a 6 magnet or 8 magnet version.

This product comes with a 5 year warranty against breakage.

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